Q&A Schedule
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Official Reactiflux.com Meetup @ Docker HQ
TMiR 2025-01: Movement on CRA, Redwood.js dead?
TMiR 2024-12: React 19 is here 🎉
TMiR 2024-11: React 19 is unblocked, Next 15 is 'stable', Expo launch week. The cool kids are on BlueSky
This Month in React, October 2024: React DevTools update, React Native 0.76 (new architecture dropped), Web Components are(n't) the future
This Month in React, September 2024: Async Components??, a React 19 cheatsheet, static Hermes, and trademarks drama
This Month in React, August 2024: Matt Pocock taught us to make modules, RN is faster, iterator helpers are cool, JSR/Deno going sour
This Month in React, July 2024: State of React, State of JS, React, HTML
This Month in React, June 2024: React 19 delayed (drama-ish), why no JS Laravel, TS 5.5 and more
This Month in React, May 2024: Updates from React Conf
This Month in React, April 2024: So many new releases, React 19 featureset
This Month in React, March 2024: React canary is 19, New ShadCN bits, Astro looks like Wordpress. Wiz??
This Month in React, February 2024: React 19 (but more details), Apple tries to kill PWAs
This Month in React (January 2024)
This Month in React (December 2023)
This Month in React (November 2023)
This Month in React (October 2023)
This Month in React (September 2023)
This Month in React (August 2023)
This Month in React (June 2023)
Jenny Truong
This Month in React (May 2023)
Communication with Elizabeth Woolf
React Miami with Michelle Bakels
This Month in React (April 2023)
This Month in React (March 2023)
Sunil Pai and Mark Erikson
Ankita Kulkarni
Behind the React Documentary
Josh W Comeau
Tejas Kumar
Wix team
Matt Pocock
David K Piano
Hasura Team
Tabnine Team
Nikhil Nandagopal
Erin Fox
Ali Spittel
Ahmad Awais
Netlify Team: Cassidy Williams & Jason Lengstorf
Eve Porcello
Jenn Creighton
Sentry.io Team
Max Stoiber
Yarn Team
Wallaby Team
Jared Palmer
Stephanie Morillo
Michael Shilman & Gert Hengeveld
Nader Dabit
David McCabe
Brandon Bayer
Shawn Wang
TypeScript Team @ Microsoft
Microsoft React Native Windows Team
Frank von Hoven & Gant Laborde
Bob Scarano & Craig Blagg
React Native core team (August 2019)
Clubhouse Team
Vladimir Novick
Conrad Irwin
Janic Duplessis
React Native core team (May 2019)
Kristijan Ristovki
Ryan Florence (April 2019)
Kent C Dodds
Jamon Holmgren
React Native core team (January 2019)
Gatsby Team
Jeroen Ransijn
Sophie Alpert (August 2018)
Peggy Rayzis & James Baxley
Jared Palmer
Jordan Eldredge
Zack Argyle
Sacha Greif
Johannes Schickling & Soren Bramer Schmidt
Brent Erickson & David de Regt
Nicolas Gallagher
Eli White
Kurtis Kemple
Nader Dabit
Charlie Cheever
Henry Zhu
Christoph Nakazawa
Leland Richardson
Brian Vaughn
Andrew Clark
Jordan Walke
Cheng Lou
Ryan Florence
Christopher Chedeau
Relay Team
Lee Byron
Jonathan Carter & Geoffrey Goh
Mike Grabowski
Sophie Alpert (June 2016)
Devin Abbott
Dan Abramov
Eric Vicenti
Transcript from Tuesday March 20th, 2018
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